Fan Mail

Philip, THANK YOU for doing a ...Gain Muscle and Weight... podcast episode! GREAT JOB and very informative! Have a Great 2025 Jim
Wayne, Michigan
Hi Philip, I’ve been listening to your Wits and Weights podcast for about 6 months. It's great! I realize that the majority of people want to lose weight. I've been skinny my entire life (5’9”, 140 lbs). I'm still active: play in an Over 70 Ice Hockey League once a week. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease (20 years ago). Not fun, but it could be worse. I know I need to be in a calorie surplus, but I usually struggle to eat 2,000 calories/day. Could you Please do a “full length” podcast on how to gain weight and muscle. Thanks, Jim (72 yr old)
Wayne, Michigan
listen to your podcast on gaining muscle fast. How about post menopause.
Edmonton, AB